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gambling house是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gambling house

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1.赌场 gambling focus 赌胜性聚焦 gambling house 赌场 game 游戏 ...

2.官方赌场 casino 评论| 2.gambling house 评论| basketball 篮球 ...


1.Guo: Is that gambling house banker does, he thought you "tree-fern 2salol double tree" the matter told us.郭:是那个赌局庄家干的,他以为你把“沙罗双树”的事告诉了我们。

2.But while Shakespeare's orations and drama may have graced the theatre, it was also used as a bear pit, brothel and gambling house.不过,剧院也许因为莎士比亚的公开演说和戏剧而熠熠生辉,但它同时也充当了观熊场、妓院和赌场的角色。

3.Gamble to the negative effect that society produces as well as the Jiang Yuan gambling house is minimized, but a lot of measure adopting.以及江原赌场为最小化赌博对于社会产生的负面影响,而采取的诸多措施。

4.If Jim's father had known that he was going to the gambling house, he would not have allowed him to go out.如果吉的父亲知道他要去赌场,他是不会让他去的。

5.He had lost his shirt when he came out from the gambling house.他从赌场出来的时候输得精光。

6.Seven are most colored in riotous profusion , strange and unusual , be not the gambling house under dark night , be life . . .最七彩缤纷、光怪陆离的,不是黑夜下的赌场,是人生…

7.The old soldier tells the young man to stay in the gambling house.老兵建议他乾脆在赌场住下来。

8.Some people compare the stock market to the gambling house. That may be due to some similarities between the two.有些人把股市比作赌场。这可能是因为两者之间确实有些相似点。

9.The chip in the gambling house represents only a certain sum of cash.赌博筹码只代表一定数值的现金。

10.The two men who had been in the company of George in the gambling house were discharged without trial.乔治的那两个赌场同伙没有经过审讯就被释放了。
